Time Management test

How good is my time management currently and what are my roadblocks? Rate your agreement with each of the following statements on a scale from 1 to 5. Click ‘Send’ to receive your results and some useful tips.

At the end of the day, my inbox still contains emails that require a response
I use to-do lists, sticky notes, sheets of paper, memo pads, etc. to remind myself of things I need to do
I lose a lot of time to interruptions and distractions in my work environment
My door is usually open to others in need of assistance
Even though I worked hard all day, I feel I’ve barely achieved anything
When something new comes in, I can lay it aside to determine its urgency at my leisure
I was invited to a meeting, but I’m unclear on why I need to be there
My tasks and responsibilities are clear
I have too much to do outside of work too, so I can’t relax then either
I have enough time to attend to important personal matters
I feel stressed because there’s more work than I can handle
I have sufficient control over my own schedule
I underestimate the time required to finish tasks or projects
I keep my personal and professional lives separate
I can’t get to sleep or lie awake at night because my thoughts are racing

Almost ready

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